Welcome to the CREATIONS resources toolkit section with useful tools and links for anyone who facilitates creative science education. Here you can find resources to help you define and plan creative science teaching and learning, including good practice examples, planning, workshopping activities and teaching resources, including approaches to Inquiry Based Science Education.

The main resource for CREATIONS is the Portal on Open Discovery Space.

The portal aims to enrich the existing educational approaches by blending artistic creativity with the inquiry based science education model so as to extend the implementation to larger and more diverse settings. This page also describes the structure of the CREATIONS Community portal organized in 3 steps: “to Search”, “to Share” and “to Create” by using or adapting the creative practices and tools that the project has to offer according to the teachers needs.


A section with useful tools and links for anyone who facilitates creative science education.


Here you can find many interesting Videos regarding CREATIONS Project.


Get access to Project pictures, Consortium Partners and Photo contests!

Cultural Collisions at CERN