Global Opera Premier! The Global Science Opera (GSO) is the first opera initiative in history which is created, produced and performed as a global community.

The GSO’s new production will premier on November 19th, 2016 (1:30 PM GMT) in countries around the globe. The opera, Ghost Particles, tells about the amazing zoo of particles starring Higgs Boson, Neutrinos and Photons.

In Chile, the dancers of Myrta Fatima Villanueva Alvarez-Santullano (Univ. of Antafogasta) are preparing a dance about the Discovery of the Higgs Boson for the opera.

The opera will be streamed online by TV-Haugaland and includes a live virtual visit to the CMS experiment at CERN, the largest multinational particle physics lab in the world.

The opera can be viewed online following this link:

For more information please visit

Featured image: the official “Ghost Particles” poster – artwork by Michael Hoch (art@CMS/CERN), graphical layout by Janne Robberstad (Stord/Haugesund University College).

Students of the Saitama Prefectural Soka-higashi High School in Japan have prepared a scene for this year’s opera.